Moving and Working abroad in the EU: 3 pros and 2 cons!

Moving and Working abroad in the EU: 3 pros and 2 cons!

Making the move!

Moving abroad can be a life-changing experience, but it is not without its challenges. Moving to a new country and working in an unfamiliar culture takes some adjustment, and there are things you should know before making this decision. In this blog post we will discuss 3 positive aspects of moving and working abroad within the EU, as well as 2 negative aspects that you should be aware of prior to making your move.

PRO: Meeting people and experiencing new cultures.

One of the best things about moving and working abroad is that you get to meet new people and experience new cultures. This can be a great opportunity to learn more about the world and yourself. You may also find that you have more in common with people from other countries than you do with people from your own country and you should not be surprised if you make life long friends with someone who has a completely different background from yourself.

Working abroad can also be a great way to improve your skills and experience. You may have the opportunity to try new things and learn new things, which can help you develop as a person. Additionally, having international work experience on your resume can make you more attractive to employers

CON: Beware of culture shock.

Culture shock is a feeling of disorientation that can occur when you move to a new culture. It is often characterized by feelings of confusion, loneliness, and homesickness. You may find that you do not feel comfortable or understood in your new surroundings and this can be very isolating. Additionally, you may also find that the norms and customs in your new country are very different from what you are used to and this can be confusing and frustrating. It is important to remember that culture shock is a natural reaction to change and it will eventually pass. Tips for managing culture shock can be found here:

While it is almost inevitable that you will be in situations where it is expected you act differently from what you are used to (in fact this can be a good learning experience) you should try to avoid getting into full culture shock mode for said reasons. One way to avoid this is actually to do some slight research before visiting your new country and comparing it to your own. A very helpful tool for this is the the country-compass from Hofstede Insights. Here you can compare your own country culture to that of another which can help you understand the dynamics of the new culture you are experiencing.

PRO: Improved job prospects.

Another advantage of moving and working abroad is that it can improve your job prospects. By Moving to a new country, you may gain skills and experiences that are valuable in the workforce. Additionally, living in a different country can make you stand out from other applicants when applying for jobs. Employers prefer people who have worked abroad because it shows they can work in other countries under different cultural dynamics and since it takes courage to move abroad, it also shows a willingness to take on challenges.

If you know in multiple languages, you may have an advantage when looking for jobs abroad. Many companies are looking for employees who can speak multiple languages, as this can help them run their business more effectively. Additionally, you can also learn new languages when working abroad. There are in fact over 24 official languages in the EU according to the European Union. Thankfully, you don't have to learn all of them.

CON: Becoming homesick

It is natural to feel homesick when you move and work abroad. You may find yourself missing your family and friends, as well as your home country. You may also find that you miss the routines and customs that you are used to. It is important to remember that homesickness is normal and it will eventually pass. There are a few things that you can do to help manage your homesickness:

- Talk to your friends and family back home regularly. This can help keep you connected to your loved ones.

- Make an effort to meet new people and make friends in your new country. This can help you feel more connected to your new surroundings.

- Keep a journal of your experiences. This can be a great way to track your progress and reflect on your experiences.

- Make an effort to learn about the culture of your new country as this will help with adjusting to the new environment.

PRO: Get memories of a lifetime

Traveling and living abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences that you will ever have. Moving and working abroad is a great way to immerse yourself in another culture, meet new people and make friends, gain valuable skills, see beautiful sights. Moving to a new country is not without its challenges but it can also provide incredible opportunities. Arguably the most valuable thing you will get from moving abroad are the many memories you will carry with you for the rest of your life and the moments you will have shared with your friends.

To conclude

Moving and working abroad can be a great experience, but it is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is adjusting to a new culture. It is important to do some research before moving to a new country so that you have a better understanding of the dynamics of the new culture. Another challenge is homesickness. It is natural to feel homesick when you move abroad, but there are a few things that you can do to help manage it. Some of the benefits of moving and working abroad include improved job prospects, getting to know other cultures, and gaining memories that will last a lifetime.